

Why register online?

1. Free registration

Free for searching for products and suppliers; free for news notifications.

2. Free email updates 

According to the category you choose, users can receive customized update of newly products and suppliers on Yellow River Cloud, the upcoming exhibitions, and trade news.

3. Directly send inquiry to supplier

Users can search for products that you are interested in; send inquiries at the same time by filling the convenient forms; use your updatable files so that your company name  and contact information can be pre-filled in the system. 

4. Individualized inquiry column 

Users' inquiry column can record the stored products and suppliers, even if you leave the website for a while.

How to register

Quick and easy registration

  1. Click the link to register on the top of Yellow River Cloud’s navigation bar .  

  2. Enter your information. 

  3. Log into the email you filled and receive the email; click the verification link to confirm your request.

  4. Reopen the log in page; click log in and input account name and passwords, and finished. 

Privacy policy

Our platform will not publish or sell your personal information to others. Please read our Privacy Policy if you want more information.

Rules to set the right passport.

Rules to set your password. 

  1. Use at least 6 characters

  2. Set a memorable password that is hard for other people to guess.

  3. Your password should not contain any information about your company . Please don't use your company name as a password. 

  4. We recommend using your password but do not use Space.

Account Login /Settings

How to login in ?

  1. You can click top right corner link to login in your account. 

  2. If you want to set up auto-login , you can click “remember me”. If you don’t want auto login in, leave it empty. 

  3. For safety , when you visit the security part of the website, you still need to provide your account number and your password.

Forget your password?

  1. Firstly, you need to click “forgot password” link. 

  2. Secondly, enter your email address. 

  3. Thirdly, click Finish to complete the process. The system will send you the new password to your email address. 

How to update my information?

  1. After you login in, you can find your personal information link on the right corner of the website.

  2. Put your update information in or edited your personal information. 

  3. Click Save, after you finish your edition. 

How to change your password ?

  1. After you login, please click your personal account link at the top right corner of the website. 

  2. Click the password change option.

  3. Type in your old password first, and then type in your new passwords. Click Finish at the end. Your new password will be saved.